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Sports Day

We have taken the reluctant decision not to have spectators at our sports day this year. This was not an easy decision to make, but from meetings I have attended with the local authority it seems likely that bubble restrictions will be continuing until at least the end of this academic year and possibly into the Autumn term. We had to make the difficult decision about whether it was most beneficial for the pupils to have individual class sports day with some spectators allowed access, or to utilize the space on our field to spread the children out to see each other but without the allowing spectators. We came to the conclusion that over the last 18 months the children have really missed being able to see the pupils in other classes and as such we would like to run a sports day which allows for a more whole school event. We know this will be disappointing to many of you but please rest assured that we have made this decision with the pupils in mind. Making this decision now also allows us to plan and risk assess the event appropriately in line with all COVID-safe guidance. We thank you for your understanding.