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Friends of St. Margaret's (FOSM)

Welcome to St Margaret’s and congratulations on becoming a member of FOSMs – Friend of St Margaret’s Primary School. 

FOSMs exists to raise funds to support the school and provide funding for activities, resources etc that all help to enrich our children’s school experience. 

We would love for you to be as involved as you can be whether you are able to join the committee, lend a hand at events, making the odd cake, donating raffle prizes or just support events by attending and here’s some thoughts on inspiring you to join in: 

Who we are.... 

At the moment we are a committee of 6 ish who work to coordinate the events but we are well supported by other parents and the school staff.  We always welcome new interest and please do contact us via the school if you would be willing to get involved to a lesser or greater degree.  We tend to communicate via WhatsApp and we can add your number to the general group. 

Raising Money 

We run a varety of events throughout the school year and below is just a quick list of events we’ve done in the past year: 

  • Refreshments at school events 

  • Film nights 

  • Break the rules day 

  • Raffles 

  • Christmas fayre 

We are keen to have some fresh ideas so please let us know if you have any new initiatives! 

Spending Money 

We aim to put the money raised to good use to enhance the educational experience of the children.  Here’s a few examples of expenditure from the past year: 

  • Funding transport for a school trip to Boydell’s Farm 

  • Funding a visit from Spirit of the Wild (all sorts of animals are brought into the school for a visit) 

Latest AGM minutes (September 2024)

FOSM's Constitution