September 2025 admissions
The admissions window for children due to start in reception in 2025 opens on 4th November 2024. All applications must be made by the deadline of 15th January 2025 otherwise they will be treated as a late application. We will be running open days Wednesday 16th October at 9.30am, Wednesday 6th November at 1.30pm, Thursday 21st November at 11am, Friday 13th December at 9.30am and Thursday 9th January at 9.30am with tours running at different times.
This is a fantastic opportunity to come and see our amazing school, see pupils in lessons and meet staff.
To book onto one of our tours please click here.
Admission applications can be made at
The Admission Process
At St. Margaret's Church of England Primary School all children admitted into a reception class in September will be offered a full time place. Parents/Carers can apply online to Essex County Council on
The Schools Planning and Admissions Department at Essex County Council allocate all intake of children wishing to join St Margaret's Church of England Primary School.
If you would like to find out more about joining our school please contact us on 01787 237354.
In the event of over subscription any remaining places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
1) Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children;
2) Children with a sibling attending the school;
3) Children living in the priority admission area;
4) Remaining Applications;
In the event of over subscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. St. Margaret's Church of England Primary School holds a waiting list for the Autumn Term.
Applications into other year groups
Applications for admission into all other year groups at St. Margaret's Church of England Primary School are also made via Essex Local Authority using the following link:
If you would like to find out more about joining our school please contact us on 01787 237354.
Transition arrangements for children joining Reception in 2024
Once children have been offered a place in our reception class for September 2024 when the offers are emailed by the local authority on April 16th 2024, we will be in touch with information regarding transition arrangements. However, we are pleased to also be able to give that information here.
Children will be invited in for the following sessions as part of their transition arrangements:
Wednesday June 12th 2024: 11:00- 12:00 stay and play with parents
Wednesday June 19th 2024: 11:00- 12:00 children stay unattended
Wednesday June 26th 2024: 11:00- 12:00 children join in a PE lesson with seed class
Wednesday July 3rd 2024: 11:00- 12:00 children stay unattended
Wednesday July 10th 2024: 11:00- 12:30 stay and play with parents followed by a bookable lunch.