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Our School Day

School is open for a total of 32.5 hours per week. 

Our school day starts with a drop off period from 8:40 am - 8.45 am each day. Children are expected to be in school on time and ready to start at 8.50 am when the register will be taken.

The morning is typically made up of English and Maths and the afternoons are typically when the foundation subjects are taught. 

On a Tuesday afternoon we have a specialist teaching afternoon. Miss Lodge teaches PE across the school, Miss Mill teaches computing across the school and Mrs Newland teaches music across the school. 

On a Wednesday morning, all three classes have an hour long PE lesson with an external coach through EPC. For more information about EPC you can visit their website: EPC 

For one day a week, each class has a curriculum day centred around either history, geography or science. This allows in-depth coverage of these subjects and supports our children with gaining the necessary skills and knowledge. The day on which this takes place varies from class to class. You can find out more information at Curriculum Days

On a Friday morning, one year group take part in a forest school session run by Mrs Norris in Berwick Hall woods. Each year, years 2, 4, 6 and reception are given the opportunity to take part in a forest school course.  

Below is an example timetable that may be used. Each classes timetable is slightly different, so if you would like more information, please contact the school office. 

What happens if school closes? 

We will try our absolute best to avoid closing the school, however there are times where this many be unavoidable. 

Should we need to close the school we will:

  • Post a message on ClassDojo;
  • Add a message to the website home page banner;
  • Send an email to parents;
  • Send a text message to parents;
  • Update the Essex school closures page: Essex School Closures