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Coronavirus Update 180320

Wednesday 18th March 2020


Dear Parents/Carers,


As you are no doubt aware the Government's guidance has changed from the contain phase to delay. We would like to inform you of what we are doing in light of this, and what we expect from all of you, to help make sure our school community remains safe and calm.


We would like to reassure you that we are taking all of the necessary steps to protect our community and are continuing to follow official guidance from the Government and Essex County Council.


What is the current situation?


  • School remains open – this is the current official advice we have been given.
  • All trips and events have currently been postponed until further notice. This includes the Class 1 parents evening which was due to take place on Thursday 2nd April. We will, however, aim to offer parents a phone consultation alternative with Mrs Page should they wish to take it. Further information will follow.
  • As you may be aware, the government has added 'Stay at Home' guidance to its response to the COVID-19 virus. You can find this guidance here:
  • Pupils should attend school unless they feel unwell. If they or any member of the household show the following symptoms, the advice is that the whole household should isolate for 14 days:                                    - a new continuous cough and/or                                                                                                                                      - a temperature
  • If your child is unwell please report this as you would do normally
  • We will keep you up to date with any changes


What we need you to do

  • Ensure we have your correct contact details in school as soon as possible
  • Come and collect your child straight away if we ask you to
  • Follow the government's guidance



What we may have to do

As the recommendations from the government change so does our position in school. We currently have a number of staff who are either already self-isolating or will need to self-isolate in near future as they are vulnerable for a variety of reasons.






Our intention is, of course, to keep the school running as smoothly as possible. However, we may have to make some changes to how we run if we are low on staff. These changes may include:

  • Combining classes
  • A partial closure of the school for some classes or year groups
  • If school is closed to identified groups of children, we share tasks that can be completed via ClassDojo. Please ensure you are able to access this.
  • Ask parents to send in packed lunches if we do not have enough staff to run the kitchen


What happens if school has to close?

We will only close if we are officially advised to or if we do not have enough staff to run the school safely. In either case, we will:

  • Alert parents to the closure by text, ClassDojo and a post on the school website
  • We will inform parents of a date to reopen via text, ClassDojo and a post on the school website
  • Send home home-learning packs for all pupils in school. If your child is not in school at the time and you wish a home learning pack to be sent with another pupil, please advise us of this and we will endeavour to get it to you.
  • Set challenges via ClassDojo.


What happens if a child needs to self-isolate?

  • Please contact school in the usual way to advise us of the self-isolation
  • Recommended activities for those self-isolating will be posted on ClassDojo weekly.
  • We will not be providing individual work packs for pupils self-isolating.


Please bear in mind we are only sending out this information to help the school community to prepare. There are currently no plans to close and we have not been put on alert to close at this time.


If you have any questions, then please consult the following:



Thank you for your continued support.


Yours faithfully,







Mrs S Newland
