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Upcoming events this half term - Summer 2


Sports Day

As you have been made aware, we have taken the difficult decision to run sports day without parents on site this year due to the logistical requirements of COVID which are still in play for schools at this time. Sports day for the children will take place on Friday 25th June and we ask that all children attend school in their PE kit on this day. This will be followed by a picnic for the pupils which will be a change to the advertised menu for the day.

Key Stage 2 Production

As we have had to start rehearsals and we are still awaiting any guidance release on when statutory school guidance around bubbles and parents on site may change, we have taken the decision that we will be filming the productions. Class teachers will be in touch to indicate any costume requirements and we aim to release the video on the school website on 15th July.

Awards ceremony

Again, due to restrictions we have planned for this to be a school event, rather than having parents present.

Leavers Service

I am currently in contact with the church to establish whether we are able to hold a leaver service in the church this year. It may be that we are able to go ahead but with just year 6 present. We will update you as soon as this is confirmed.