Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent | Implementation | Impact |
We deliver a Mathematics curriculum which develops independent learning and results in the acquisition of life-long knowledge and skills so that all pupils know more, remember more and understand more. Our curriculum is stimulating and builds confidence in appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding in Number, Algebra, Ratio, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics as set out in the National Curriculum. We engage children and help them reach their potential at St Margaret's Church of England Primary School and to prepare them for the next stage of education. Our curriculum enables pupils to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competency in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Children are able to apply mathematics skills to real-life. Our Maths curriculum will reflect the aims of our vision and our associated Christian values of aspiration, wisdom and endurance. | Use of the Hamilton Brookes Maths scheme to ensure curriculum coverage and support our staff in developing an appropriately planned mixed age curriculum. The use of 'Flashback 4' at least three times a week supports the children to remember more. The use of Times Tables Rockstars supports children from year 2 up in practising and remembering their times tables facts and associated division facts. Maths skills are practised in other curriculum areas where appropriate. The use of Maths Shed to set weekly maths homework assignments from year 1 up support the children in consolidating learning from the classroom with independent fluency practice. Maths interventions are put into place where it is identified children are falling behind or are finding a particular concept difficult. | Children will be fluent in the key maths fundamentals. Children leave St. Margaret's with a good level of mathematical proficiency. Attainment in maths is measured using the statutory assessments at the end of Key Stage Two. These results are measured against the attainment of children nationally. However, we firmly believe that maths is a key life skill and so the impact of our maths curriculum goes beyond the results of the statutory assessments. |