Seed Class (Years 1 and 2) Long Term Curriculum Plan
We are currently teaching Year A
Year A
Do you remember? |
Where Shall I Go? |
What is home? |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Key Books |
The Suitcase Rabbityness The Visitor The Story Blanket Wolfy The Boy Who Cried Wolf Little Red Riding Hood Why Not Me? Diary of a Wombat Waiting for Goliath Dear Dinosaur Dear Father Christmas Dear Postman |
Tales by Beatrix Potter The Night Gardener The Invisible Last Stop on Market Street Funny Bums, Freaky Beaks and Other Incredible Features Swim, Shark, Swim! A Caribbean Dozen |
Watercress It's a Book Make Way for Ducklings Where the Wild Things Are Betsy's Birthday Surprise Magic Betsy Interview with a Shark and Other Ocean Giants Too The Blue Giant I Will Not Ever Eat a Tomato Eat Your Peas Jaws and Claws and Things With Wings |
English |
Stories on a theme: feelings Traditional tales Recounts Letters and postcards Poems by the same poet |
Classic fiction: Beatrix Potter Contemporary picture books Information texts Instructions Caribbean poems |
Stories won a theme: picture books from the USA Stories by the same author Information texts Interviews Instructions Poems on a theme: Animals |
Maths |
Place Value Addition/Subtraction Measures Time Fractions Multiplication |
Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication Fractions Shape Measure Money and time |
Place value Fractions Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Money Shape. time and data Position |
RE |
How did the universe come to be? Why is light an important symbol for may religious believers? |
How does a celebration bring a community together? What does the cross mean to Christians? |
How do Christians belong to their faith family? Whole School Enquiry |
Science |
Brilliant builders Weather art |
Art and nature Habitats and homes |
Wild and wonderful creatures People and their pets |
History |
How have childhoods changed over the years? Toys (changes within living memory) |
Great Fire of London (events beyond living memory) |
David Attenborough (Life of a significant person) |
Geography |
Where do I live? My School/My Village Map Skills, Aerial photos, Human and Physical features |
UK Cities Our Capital – London Compare village/town/city |
Continents/Oceans |
Art and Design |
Toys – Andy Warhol Printing |
Charcoal images of houses Fire pictures |
Animals in Art: Henri Rousseau |
Design Technology |
Split Pin Thaumatrope |
Structure: Create a Tudor House |
Mechanisms: moving animals |
Music |
Pulse, rhythm and pitch Playing in an orchestra |
Inventing a musical story Recognising different sounds |
Exploring improvisation Our big concert |
Computing Purple Mash |
Touch typing Lego builders Grouping and sorting |
Online Safety Technology Outside School Coding |
Spreadsheets Questioning Animated storybooks |
PE (EPC) |
Multiskills (EPC) Playground Games 19th-21st Century Dodgeball (EPC) Ball Skills |
Gymnastics (EPC) Dance: Great Fire of London Football (EPC) Yoga |
Athletics (EPC) Netball Tennis (EPC) Cricket |
PSHE/RSE (3D Dimensions) |
Emotions Bullying Extremism and Radicalisation No Outsiders: To accept people are different ‘That’s Not How You Do It!’ |
Keeping Safe No Outsiders: Understand we share the world with lots of people. ‘My World, Your world’ Communities No Outsiders: Understand how we share the world. ‘The First Slodge’ |
Communication No Outsiders: To communicate in different ways ‘What the Jackdaw Saw’ Money & Finances No Outsiders: Understand what makes someone feel proud. ‘The Odd Egg’ |
Year B
How has Life Changed? |
Who Can Help Me? |
Are We There Yet? |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Key Books |
A Squash and A Squeeze Alone Animal Upsets Farmer Duck Sam's Duck/The Birthday Duck The Little Island The Day the Crayons Quit Meerkat Mail We're Going to Find a Monster |
The Great Race The Runaway Wok The Race Across The River There's A Snake in my School The Creature Choir I Want a Pet The Pet Person The National Trust Out and About Minibeast Explorer Bugs This is How We Do It The Animals Outing On The Way Home |
The Lighthouse Keeper Wanted Beware Charlie Cook's Favourite Book What If? Gustavo The Shy Ghost Library Lion Crazy About Cats Poems Out Loud |
English |
Humorous stories Stories on a theme: farm stories Instructions Letters and postcards Poems on a theme: monsters |
Myths and legends: Chinese New Year Humorous stories Information texts Recounts Humorous Poems |
Stories on a theme: books Stories on a theme: feelings Persuasive writing Information texts Performance poetry |
Maths |
Place Value Addition and Subtraction Measures Time Fractions Multiplication |
Place value Addition and subtraction Measures and data Money and time Multiplication Fractions Shape |
Place value Fractions Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Position and time Money Shape Data |
RE |
What is 'good' and 'bad'? What does the nativity story teach Christians about Jesus? |
What do Jewish people remember on Shabbat? How do Jewish people celebrate Passover (Pesach)? |
What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief? Whole School Enquiry |
Science |
Brilliant builders Exploring changes |
Growing things Food chains |
Amazing me Wild weather |
History |
Castles Hedingham Castle Local History |
Life of a significant individual: Florence Nightingale |
Changes within living memory: The Seaside Now and Then |
Geography |
UK Geography Countries/Capitals features |
Another part of the world: Where did Florence Nightingale come from? Where is Crimea? |
Coastal Towns Map Skills |
Art and Design |
Artist Study: Paul Klee |
Florence: ‘The Lady with the lamp’ – looking at light. Giuseppe Arcimbaldo |
Andrew Goldsworthy Designs using natural objects. | |||
Design Technology |
Mechanisms: moving castles |
Cooking: Ingredients from around the world. |
Textiles: Boats |
Music |
My musical heartbeat Dancing and play |
Exploring sounds Learning to listen |
Having fun with improvisation Let's perform together |
Computing Purple Mash |
Touch typing Exploring Purple Mash Maze explorers Making music |
Online Safety Effective Searching Coding |
Spreadsheets PictogramsPresenting ideas Creating pictures |
PE (EPC) |
Multi-skills (EPC) Yoga Dodgeball (EPC) Ball skills |
Gymnastics (EPC) Dance Football (EPC) Hockey |
Track athletics (EPC) Field athletics Cricket (EPC) Tennis |
PSHE/RSE (3D Dimensions) |
Rules and Responsibilities Fairness No Outsiders: Be able to work with everyone in my class – Blown Away |
Hygiene No Outsiders: To play with boys and girls - Ten Little Pirates Family and Friends No Outsiders: Understand what diversity is – The Great Big Book of Families |
Healthy Lifestyles No Outsiders: Understand that our bodies work in different ways – Max the Champion Money & Changing and Growing No Outsiders: Like the Way I am - Elmer |